"Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie."

Old Paper Mill Museum in Łapin

The Old Paper Mill Museum in Łapin is a unique place. The factory was established in 1877, and was open until 2011, with the preserved (?) holenders from 1915 and paper machines. The complex also includes a partially preserved smithy and an old boiler room from 1925 with a historic furnace, where seized drugs were burned in the 1980s and the files and documents of the Security Service. Here you can relax in the bosom of nature, you can take advantage of the workshops, among others. You will learn how to draw paper. Here you will see a rich collection of communist stuff. Here you will look at the technique of Polish motorization, you will see what Zuk, Nysa, Polonez, FSO150 and many other vehicles including antique cars. If you get bored of sightseeing, you can take advantage of the attractions outside, a mini zoo with goats, a ride in the troley, a kayak trip, or a quiet time on the water with a water bike. You can enjoy a bonfire and barbecue at any time. In the summer season you can see an exhibition of historical costumes and equipment of a traditional house in Żuławy Gdańskie prepared by the Local Action Group "Three Landscapes". The facility is located in the community of Kolbudy.


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