"Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie."

W1 Loop In the wilderness, around the three Kolbudz Lakes
Trip distance: 20.6 km
Trail duration: 2:30

An incredibly picturesque loop, showing the landscape of the Gdańsk highlands. Dense forests, the Radunia River backwater, lakes will make us feel like in a different world of natural environment. It is best to start the route in Kolbudy. The bicycle route is a moderately difficult one, because there are many elevations here. It is worth passing it, especially when the weather is nice, because there are several objects on the route, located by the lakes, having water equipment and beaches. The most interesting objects: the Old Paper Mill museum in Łapin with trolleys, Łapinskie Lake with a beach and water equipment rental, the 14th-century church in Pręgowo.

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.

Trip objects

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